Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Slumber Party Massacre 2 Review

Once again, I’m drawn to a movie with the poster in mind. I reviewed the original Slumber Party Massacre before, and I finally sit down to watch the sequel. The poster features a greaser with a drill guitar and it’s the ultimate weapon in slasher films if you ask me. The movie follows the events of the first, and you even get a little bit of a flash back to start things. We move forward with the final girl from the past, and we are moving forward to a new day, putting the past behind us. 

The plot of the movie seems simple enough, a group of teenagers have a sleepover, and are stalked by a greaser with a killer guitar, no pun intended. The movie is a slice from the 1980s and it shows, with musical queues that are very specific, and of course the wardrobe that screams the date out a bit. In a way you will have to put yourself back into the past, and watch this as someone who’s not living in modern times, but rather in the 1980s or 90s, as there are moments that throw you back into the era. 

The majority of the plot comes through with simplicity, pacing being fast, and going through the motions of setting up the rest of the film. Courtney, our main hero, starts having bad dreams and the killer shows up without much of a forewarning. As with many sequels, the killer shows up and terrorizes the group without much of a backstory, considering the first movie already did that. That way the slasher runs through and starts to cause a shake up for the teens. Of course cliches abound, including those that are having sex and get killed, and of course a wrench is thrown into things with the third act, as well as the final act. I won’t spoil the movie, but suffice to say there is a psychological twist to the movie that definitely makes me mad as a reviewer. Long time readers will know what I mean when they get to the end, knowing how much I loath certain aspects of horror. 

There is some insane rockabilly moments, including a song and dance that you're going to laugh at. There's a mix of horror, gore, comedy, and more, and honestly, I can appreciate that overall. The movie takes a few weird turns, and you can't take it too seriously. 

Visually the movie isn’t going to win any awards, it is straightforward, with some blood splatter here and there. It’s definitely a slasher flick, so you don’t have to worry about it being tame in that regard. It follows the original film trope with slashing, the guitar, and the evil greaser. It’s a fun movie that really doesn’t cause you think too much and honestly, what do you expect from a late 1980s slasher? I found it to be good, and definitely worth checking out as part of the series. The poster, however, is what really sold it for me, and will probably sell it for you too. It’s within that poster framework that makes this movie interesting for me, as I’m a sucker for a good poster. Check out “Slumber Party Massacre 2” on dvd while you can. 

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