Friday, December 17, 2021

Santa Jaws Review

And now we present a review by our new contributing writer, Lennie. Enjoy! 

Santa Jaws is coming to town with her eyes all aglow. Listen for the jingling in the water and watch out for her Santa hat situated atop her fin. And yes, this is a real movie. Real money went into making it.

The film opens with an intense fight scene on a dock that starts rather abruptly. I was unsure if I was even at the beginning of the film. A deranged looking Santa Claus has a woman tied up, and our hero is trying to save her. I lost it immediately when he kicked Santa in the jingle bells, and the sound effects were relative to my euphemism. I was more than intrigued at this point, but knew I was in for something very bizarre when I first saw her, Santa Jaws.

Suddenly we are transported to a comic book shop where two young boys are working on their own story. Our lead, Cody, is the artist, and his best friend Steven is the writer of Santa Jaws. We now realize that the opening to the movie was the story the boys were working on. The owner of the shop encourages the kids to keep working on it and invites them to the comic book Christmas Eve party the next night. Cody is sure he won’t be allowed to go, but he has his heart set on it.

With family coming into town and a big Christmas Eve dinner planned, Cody wanted to escape even more. On Christmas Eve morning, Cody’s grandpa, “Papa”, invites him to go fishing with him and promises to sneak him to the Christmas Eve comic book shop party later that night. Before this, Papa gives Cody an early present: a magical pen in an inscribed wooden box. Cody is especially fond of this gift as he realizes he can use it to finish his book. He starts drawing with it right away, unknowingly opening a world of chaos and death.

Without giving too much away, Cody’s family and friends start dying off one by one. The cause of death: Santa Jaws. The magic pen had brought this imaginary creature to life. Cody bands together with his older brother, aunt, best friend, and crush to try to stop the monster he created. When Georgia, Cody’s aunt, is almost attacked, she stabs Santa Jaws in the eye with a candy cane. It seems to be the only thing that has been able to injure her so far. The crew realizes that he can only be hurt by things from his world, the Christmas world. They fashion together multiple weapons wrapped in lights and garland and try to put an end to all of this.

The movie doesn’t have many twists or turns or surprises. The shark is bad CGI, but very festive. And overall, most of the characters are not very likable. However, for a horror Christmas shark tale, this is a win in my book. Don’t expect a masterpiece but expect to be entertained. It is definitely worth a watch during the holiday season.

For those with Amazon Prime, this is available streaming, enjoy! 

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