Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Terrifier Review

Often times movies are slow moving engagements. That is true for modern horror, and a lot of the time I’m flabbergasted by what audiences will sit through to get a little thrill. When I saw the poster for this film, I wasn’t expecting a lot. I figured it would be a slasher, and well we all know that the mother of killer clown movies either comes from outer space or “IT”, but this was different, it felt different, and it started off innocent enough, and just derailed fast.

The premise is simple enough, a killer clown is hunting down individuals, and no matter what they do, he keeps coming back. A slasher of 1980s lore is what you get here, and not much else to really explain. Sure, there are moments where the story takes you to care about the characters slightly, as they have some peril outside of the killer clown, but it’s short lived. This is a straight forward slasher and it is fast moving. There is not a lot of room for filler in this one, and that’s something that I appreciated about it. It's a movie that knows what the audience wants, and knocks you in the teeth within the first act.

The expected horror movie tropes live in with this one, including the final girl, albeit not without putting up one hell of a fight. You get the unstoppable villain, and you’re drenched in gore and blood as well. There’s nothing too complex about the movie, and it really draws you in with a powerful performance from David Howard Thornton as Art The Clown.

Terrifier isn’t brain candy, but it is a good slasher with an easy premise, and something that will have you thrilled and shocked at times. This is horror sliced up the way you expect from the 1980s and 1990s to boot, not “modern” day slow moving genre art. That’s just my two cents, you should pick up the blu ray
and make up  your mind on it, but I recommend it, so there’s that.

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