Saturday, September 3, 2022

The Fly II Review

The Fly 2 Movie Poster

The original Fly movies are interesting, and were science fiction classics. Then a release in 1986 came out, and it blew away the critics and those that watched it. Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis really did a great job in that movie, and it truly was an interesting science film. It was grotesque as much as it was dramatic and it really did a great job in positioning the question of man playing god. Now, if you loved that film, you’re going to be sour when you really look at what “The Fly II” has to offer, and that’s the best I can say about the movie at first.

The plot is simple enough, we are treated to several months after the original movie, and we see the birth of a new fly, but this time around a baby is born through the sack that comes out of the woman, that’s supposed to be Geena Davis, but isn’t. There is a growing sequence and stops where we learn more about the child, and the child is doing well and rapidly aging working through various tests and different things to see if he’s normal, which of course we all know he isn’t.

Now, the story isn’t too bad, it’s slow and definitely lacks the depths of the original, but you have to accept that as a sequel. The filmmakers assume that you’ve already seen the original, so they aren’t going to do much to keep that balance, I think. There’s a great deal of gore in this one, and they try to make it a bit more grotesque than David Cronenber’s version, which is quite good overall. The effects and gore really make this one a worthwhile sequel if you ask me, but aside from that, the movie derails with some outlandish story telling. You’re going to either love or hate “The Fly II” as it really doesn’t do much to continue the saga, as much as it tries to position itself as something different, but can’t seem to really get going. I did appreciate the effects though, and I’d watch it again just for that, because it has some cool moments, but overall, it’s a slow moving horror movie that tries to be better than the original, but can’t hold a candle. It’s just not the same. I’d go with the original more than this one, but as a collector, I have to recommend this one as well. 

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