Monday, June 20, 2022

Sharks of the Corn Review

The horror genre has a lot of different angles that can be utilized to scar audiences. In recent years, a lot of comedy has come through and while it is meant to be in the horror genre, it just fails to scare. That’s not the intent, as many directors and writers are looking to turn the genre into a comedic affair, which can work at times (IE Scary Movie), but can lackluster in others. With “Sharks of the Corn”, we get one of the coolest posters that I’ve seen in a long time, and something that really seemed promising going into it with no other vision but the poster. 

Once you start the movie, you realize that you are in straight to vhs territory. Not even dvd, mind you, as the quality of the film is not HD at all, and really feels like it was amateur at times. I brushed that all aside and pushed through and what we got was an intentionally bad, comedy horror movie. The movie’s plot surrounds a few things, including a serial killer that is taking out his victims with shark teeth, and of course sharks in a corn field taking out anyone and anything that comes near it. The movie shuffles a little, and even has an alien invasion twist to it, shoehorned straight into the middle of the movie. 

“Sharks of the Corn” has an interesting premise to me, I liked the idea, I didn’t like the presentation however, but once I started this thing, I was all in, and kept watching to the end. It isn’t going to win awards, and most people may not want to sit through it all, but it’s schlock and decent in my opinion. In fact, it’s one of the best worst movies I’ve seen in a while, and I tip my hat to the filmmakers for throwing themselves into the mix and making a movie, with limited budget, and yet still comes out with some stellar moments. Heck a shark attacks a helicopter at one point! Grab a beer, get some pizza, and watch the mess of a movie, it’s exactly what you would expect, or worse. I laughed, so there’s that. 

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